Quentin Marshall hired three people over the past two months. He filled the roles without meeting any of them in person. Recruiting during a pandemic requires “breaking down a lot of prejudices about how to do things,” said Marshall, head of private banking at U.K. lender Weatherbys. “Once you get over this idea you must be sharing the same oxygen molecules as them, you just get on with it.”
DHR’s Jeanne Branthover, Managing Partner, Global Leader of Financial Services & Co-Head of the New York Office, weighed in saying, “Everything is more now — more virtual meetings than there would have been in person, more reference-checking, more use of assessment tools,” said Branthover, who day now often stretches from 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. She has to prep more people for interviews and help the client make the process work virtually.
Assessment tools like the Hogan Personality Inventory test — which evaluates how someone gets along with others — are becoming more critical when employers can’t meet face-to-face with potential hires, she said. “It’s giving the client another validation that this is the right person,” she said. “It gives an idea of do they fit your culture, do they handle stress well.”
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