Artificial and Emotional Intelligence: How Managers Increase the Potential of Employees

ONEtoONE, Patrick A. Haberland, August 17, 2023

August, 2023

In the Media

ONEtoONE: While the deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) opens up new opportunities for companies, technology alone is not enough. For leaders, emotional intelligence (EI) is crucial to creating a positive work environment and unleashing the potential of their teams. Patrick A. Haberland, Managing Partner, European Life Sciences Practice, shares how successful leaders skillfully balance the two.

EI is critical for leaders to understand the feelings, perspectives, and needs of their employees. By recognizing and capitalizing on the opportunities and challenges of EI and AI, leaders can increase employee potential and strengthen the company’s competitiveness.

Emotionally intelligent leaders actively listen, recognize and nurture the individual strengths of their team members, and create an inclusive environment that supports engagement and innovation.

Read the full article here.

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