A Really Tough Job: Nonprofit CEOs Work to Make Their Roles More Manageable

The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Ben Gose, May 7, 2024

May, 2024

In the Media

THE CHRONICLE OF PHILANTHROPY: In an exclusive survey conducted by The Chronicle of Philanthropy, over 350 nonprofit CEOs shared their experiences, revealing both the highs and lows of their roles. While job satisfaction remains high, with 97% finding the benefits outweigh the negatives, the survey unveils surprising insights. Nearly two-thirds of the leaders cite societal polarization as a significant hurdle and 9 in 10 CEOs feel immense pressure to succeed. A third of survey participants say they are likely to leave their current organization in the next two years.

“That is a huge wake-up call for boards,” says Sara Garlick Lundberg, Managing Partner, North America – Nonprofit. “With a third of nonprofit CEOs thinking about leaving, boards have got to be focused on building their bench and planning five years out for potential successors.”

With 60% struggling to achieve work-life balance, adaptability becomes paramount in navigating evolving expectations.

Read the full article here.

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