In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, DHR is recognizing and celebrating the achievements and contributions of Hispanic and Latinx champions who have inspired others to achieve success.
We sat down with Adrian Payan, Partner and Jessica Escalera, Senior Accountant, to learn about their professional and personal insights.
Q: What does Hispanic Heritage Month mean to you, and how has your heritage shaped who you are today?
Adrian: Hispanic Heritage Month gives us the opportunity to update the American people on who Latinos are today. Here, we can provide a contemporary context for all of our communities that are very different; and that are part of the Latino ecosystem. I think the most important thing is to support our Hispanic candidates who are in the U.S. in order to give them support and advice.
Jessica: The inclusion of my culture and community in a once-divided nation is what it means to have Hispanic heritage. It is incredible to watch the development, openness and chances extended to Hispanics that were previously unreachable. Due to the hardships we have had throughout our history and in my community, I make a point of including everyone without discrimination. In my opinion, we are all equal.
Q: What advice (personal or professional) would you give others of Hispanic/Latinx heritage?
Adrian: Get involved in volunteering with Latino action groups, participate in Hispanic celebrations, support local Hispanic charities and businesses, build workplaces that promote inclusion and respect and include and engage children in Hispanic heritage, including the Spanish language practice.
Jessica: Give us a chance and get to know us! We have tasty food, drinks and amazing mariachis!
Q: How do you plan on celebrating this year’s Hispanic Heritage Month?
Adrian: Preparing traditional food with my family and celebrating the history and flag of my country. This includes my family who live in Illinois and London!
Jessica: This year, I had the excellent fortune to enjoy delicious food and lively music during Las Fiestas Patrias in Mexico with my family.