Connecting Leadership & Talent Management
From clearly defined strategies to talent planning to training programs, DHR provides customized solutions to drive change in culture while also delivering quantifiable improvements to financials.
The Opportunity
As workforce demographics shift, talent management and hiring must adapt to meet the needs of employees of tomorrow.
Companies often cite common perceived barriers to hiring and promoting diverse talent and creating an inclusive culture:
- “We cannot find or promote the right talent.”
- “Our diverse leaders aren’t staying and growing their careers.”
- “Our corporate culture may need to change, but how?”

Our Approach
DHR’s work is grounded in metrics – linking inclusive human capital models to the top line (revenue growth), the bottom line (cost reduction), and the pipeline (recruiting, retention, and talent management) in fiscally quantifiable ways.
From surveys that measure organizational effectiveness to assessments of the financial impact of inclusive programs, DHR demonstrates not only how to achieve workplace equity, but how to measure its fiscal impact.
Our unique, metrics-based approach integrates inclusive strategies to recruit, hire, onboard, develop, retain, and promote talent, including creating inclusive succession plans and performance management practices.
Current employees want their workplace to do more in diversity
Jobseekers say they prefer working at companies with a diverse workforce

Customized to Your Culture
DHR helps clients deliver tangible and profitable improvements across three main areas: workforce, workplace, and marketplace.
Solutions are tailored to match the company needs and include assessment, strategic analysis, operational and implementation-based programs, and professional development training for individuals and groups.
Client Story: Reduce Turnover and Improve Profitability
As the workforce at a global oil & gas organization with 20k+ employees was becoming increasingly diverse they were seeing an increase in derailing behaviors, a loss of productivity and performance, and a lack of leadership and managerial skills.